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Packaging and Labelling Compliance of Cosmetics

Packaging and Labelling Compliance of Cosmetics in India

Packaging includes the design and wrapping of the product, and labelling involves the written information about the product and the manufacturer. As here we are focusing on cosmetics then must understand the packaging and labelling compliance of cosmetics. Packaging & labelling of products play a crucial role as marketing and advertising tools to attract consumers. Still, most sellers are using the packaging as a tool to mislead the consumer about the quality standard of the product by featuring wrong, exaggerated information on the wrapper of the product that shows the substantial quality of the product than it is.

To overcome and standardize the packaging and labelling of cosmetics, the Bureau of Indian Standards asks for compliance with the packaging and labelling of cosmetics under the Drug and Cosmetic Rules, 2020, introduced by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under Schedule S for cosmetics.

What Is Packaging and Labelling Compliance of Cosmetics?

Compliance with the product ensures that the company’s product is standardised and regulated as per the standard set by the regulatory authority of the respected country. Packaging and labelling compliance of cosmetics confirms that the cosmetic products meet all the regulatory requirements, including leaflet information, trademark, manufacturing site, and product design, as per the Bureau of Indian Standards.

What Includes in Packaging and Labelling Compliance of Cosmetics?

According to the Drug and Cosmetic Rules, 1945, a cosmetic product must include labelling on the inner and outer sides:

  • Name of the cosmetic product.
  • Name and complete address of the manufacturer, along with the address of the manufacturing site. If the label is too small for detailed information, then the manufacturer’s name and address are required to be mentioned.
  • Manufacturing and expiry date of product.
  • Cosmetics containing para-phenylenediamine or any colour and dye. These agents shall be mentioned on both sides of the package label.
  • In case cosmetic products pose hazards:
  • The intended direction of use.
  • Caution or warning must be mentioned, which the consumer must gain insight into before using it.
  • Any specific hazardous ingredient must have a declaration of name and quality.
  • The batch number must be mentioned for the quantity above 10 gm of weight for solid and semi-solid. In the case of liquid, the amount should be above 25 millilitres for mentioning the batch number on the product label.
  • The product weight and volume on the label shall only be mentioned in case if the quantity for liquid is above 60ml and for solid and semi-solid is above 30gm.

Prohibition of Sale and Distribution of Cosmetic Products in India

The regulatory authority prohibits the sale and marketing of cosmetic products If the packaging and labelling compliance is not as per the standard and if the manufacturer doesn’t have the manufacturing license of the premise where the cosmetic products are being manufactured then in that case, he is prohibited to sell the cosmetics in India under the section 146 of cosmetic rules, 1945. In case where the consignee doesn’t want to mention the name and address of the manufacturer on the label then under section 147 rule 21 of Drug and Cosmetic Rules, 1945, it shall contain the code number approved by the licensing authority ensuring product traceability back to the manufacturer.

Prohibition for Misleading Claims on Packaging

Under section 148 B of Drug and Cosmetic, rules, 1945 any cosmetic product claiming a false or misleading claim on the packaging against the consumer or society benefits then that cosmetic product is prohibited from selling it the market.

What Are the Penalties for Non-Compliance with Cosmetic Packaging and Labelling Regulations?

Non-compliance with Packaging and Labelling Regulations cosmetics can lead to so many consequences. They are discussed below:

  • Imposition of fines: If cosmetic products are not packed and labelled as per regulatory guidelines then the regulatory body charges a fine and the amount is less for the first time and increases there after.
  • Product Recalls: Non-compliant products are removed from the market.
  • Suspension of Licenses: Non-compliant products can cause license suspension of a manufacturing company. 
  •  Product Seizure: Non-compliant products are seized from entering the market which can cause financial losses and disrupt the supply chain.
  • Imprisonment: Imprisonment of three to five years in case of marketing of non-compliant products.
  • Reputational Damage: Non-compliant products can cause Reputational damage brands and that can break customer trust.
  • Restrict Global marketing of the product: Non-compliant product Restrict international marketing opportunities which is a source of good income.

Section 149 A of Drug and Cosmetic Rules,1945

According to section 149 A, the toothpaste having the fluoride content shall not exceed more than 1000 ppm ensuring optimal safety for daily use in life. The same content should be mentioned on the packaging of toothpaste along with the expiry date.


Packaging and labelling compliance of cosmetics in India is important to meet the regulatory requirement and standard set by the Bureau of Indian Standards, ensuring the safety awareness of cosmetic consumption among society as a whole. This compliance of products helps to prevent legal issues, generate trust for products, enhance the reputation of the brand, and ensure product transparency for consumers. Packaging and labelling compliance of cosmetics support both the market credibility for sale and consumer satisfaction.


Who Is The Regulatory Body For Governing The Packaging And Labelling Compliance Of Cosmetics In India?

BIS( Bureau of Indian Standards)

Is Any Specific Language Required For Labelling Cosmetic Products In India?

Yes, English or Hindi should be the language for the labelling of products or the local language for easy understanding.

Is It Compulsory To List All the Ingredients Of Cosmetic Products on the Label?

Yes, it is mandatory to mention and list all the ingredients to ensure transparency of the product for what purpose they are.

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